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Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь - orange


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Перевод с английского языка orange на русский

1) апельсин, цитрус (Citrus) 2) краситель оранжевого цвета – acridine orange – bergamot orange – calamondin orange – Chinese orange – king orange – marmelade orange – methyl orange – mock orange – osage orange – Seville orange – spring orange – wild orange
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См. в других словарях

  Ориндж 1) Город на юге штата Калифорния примыкает к Анахайму Anaheim. 128,8 тыс. жителей (2000). Единственный город в штате, построенный вокруг круглой центральной площади. Среди достопримечательностей крупнейший магазин "Город кукол, США" Doll City U. S. A. 2) Город на юго-востоке штата Техас у границы с Луизианой, на р. Сабин Sabine River. 25,9 тыс. жителей. Основан в 1836. Химическая промышленность, нефтепереработка. Длинная цепочка этих предприятий вдоль шоссе получила прозвище "Химический ряд" "Chemical Row". Глубоководный порт на Мексиканском заливе. Мост "Радуга" Rainbow Bridge через р. Нечес Neches River 3) Город на северо-востоке штата Нью-Джерси, пригород Ньюарка Newark. 29,9 тыс. жителей. Застроен главным образом жилыми кварталами. Предприятия электротехнической и химической промышленности ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. бот. апельсин, апельсиновое дерево 2. апельсин clove orange —- мандарин (плод) China orange —- апельсин to squeeze the orange —- выжимать сок из апельсина 3. оранжевый цвет 4. геральд. круглый щит оранжевого цвета Id: oranges and lemons —- "апельсины и лимоны" (название детской песенки) Id: squeezed orange —- что-л полностью использованное; "выжатый лимон", ненужный больше человек 5. оранжевый orange ribbon —- оранжевая лента orange light —- авт. желтый свет 6. апельсиновый, апельсинный drink with orange flavour —- напиток с апельсиновой отдушкой Id: orange book —- отчет министерства земледелия (в оранжевом переплете) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  River noun река Оранжевая ORANGE I Orange noun; hist.  1) Оранская династия  2) attr. - orange lodge II  1. noun  1) апельсин; - blood orange  2) апельсиновое дерево  3) оранжевый цвет - oranges and lemons - Blenheim orange  2. adj. оранжевый - orange book ORANGE book отчет министерства земледелия (в оранжевом переплете) ORANGE lily bot. красная лилия ORANGE lodge Оранжистская ложа [см. Orangeman ] ORANGE melon bot. дыня цукатная ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) оранж (пигмент или краситель) 2) оранжевый цвет ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & adj. --n. 1 a a large roundish juicy citrus fruit with a bright reddish-yellow tough rind. b any of various trees or shrubs of the genus Citrus, esp. C. sinensis or C. aurantium, bearing fragrant white flowers and yielding this fruit. 2 a fruit or plant resembling this. 3 a the reddish-yellow colour of an orange. b orange pigment. --adj. orange-coloured; reddish-yellow. Phrases and idioms orange blossom the flowers of the orange tree, traditionally worn by the bride at a wedding. orange flower water a solution of neroli in water. orange peel 1 the skin of an orange. 2 a rough surface resembling this. orange pekoe tea made from very small leaves. orange squash Brit. a soft drink made from oranges and other ingredients, often sold in concentrated form. orange-stick a thin stick, pointed at one end and usu. of orange wood, for manicuring the fingernails. orange-wood the wood of the orange tree. Etymology: ME f. OF orenge, ult. f. Arab. naranj f. Pers. narang ORANGE adj. of or relating to Orangemen or their activities. Derivatives Orangeism n. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Date: 1795 of, relating to, or sympathizing with ~men  • ~ism noun  II. geographical name  1. city SW California N of Santa Ana population 128,821  2. river 1300 miles (2092 kilometers) S Africa flowing from the Drakensberg in Lesotho W into the Atlantic  III. geographical name city SE France N of Avignon population 28,136 ORANGE  I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French orrange, araunge, from Old Occitan auranja, from Arabic naranj, from Persian narang, from Sanskrit nara?ga ~ tree  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a globose berry with a yellowish to reddish-~ rind and a sweet edible pulp  b. any of various small evergreen citrus trees (genus Citrus) with glossy ovate leaves, hard yellow wood, fragrant white flowers, and fruits that are ~s  2. any of several trees or fruits resembling the ~  3. any of a group of colors that lie midway between red and yellow in hue  II. adjective  Date: 1542  1. of or relating to the ~  2. of the color ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (oranges) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Something that is orange is of a colour between red and yellow. ...men in bright orange uniforms. COLOUR 2. An orange is a round juicy fruit with a thick, orange coloured skin. ...orange trees. ...fresh orange juice. N-VAR: oft N n 3. Orange is a drink that is made from or tastes of oranges. ...vodka and orange. N-UNCOUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 a round fruit that has a thick orange skin and is divided into parts inside 2 a colour that is between red and yellow  (The sky turned a brilliant orange.) - orange adj  (Carrots are orange.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1380, from O.Fr. orenge, from M.L. pomum de orenge, alt. of Ar. naranj, from Pers. narang, from Skt. naranga-s "orange tree." Loss of initial n- probably due to confusion with definite article. The original Persian orange, once grown widely in southern Europe, was bitter; sweet oranges were brought back to Europe in 15c. from India by Portugese traders and quickly displaced the bitter variety, but only Mod.Gk. still seems to distinguish the bitter (nerantzi) from the sweet (portokali "Portugese") orange. Portuguese, Spanish, Arab and Dutch sailors planted citrus trees along trade routes to prevent scurvy. On his second voyage in 1493, Christopher Columbus brought the seeds of oranges, lemons and citrons to Haiti and the Caribbean. Introduced in Florida (along with lemons) 1513 by Sp. explorer Juan Ponce de Leon. Introduced to Hawaii 1792. Not used as the name of a color until 1542. Orangemen refers to Irish secret society founded 1795 in Belfast, named for William of Orange (who became King William III of England), of the Ger. House of Nassau; the name is from the town of Orange on the Rhone in France, which was part of the Nassau principality, the town so called because it was said to have been a center for importing oranges. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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